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The Surprising Reason Pet Parents Choose Their Dog Over Their Love Partner

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One of the biggest dog publications in the world, Rover, recently published a study. Called “The Truth About Dog People”, the study set out to find out just how much pet parents love their dogs. Of course, the results didn’t disappoint. Nearly 94% of pet parents consider their dogs part of the family.

But I wanted to focus on a different stat. More than half, 54%, answered they would consider ending a relationship if their dog didn’t like their partner.

From my experience, I would say there is truth to that. I ended a few relationships not because my dog didn’t like my partner. It was the other way around. My partner was not as accepting of a dog in the house as much as I would prefer.

With that in mind, I want to have some fun today. What do I mean? Well, we will talk about some fun and interesting reasons why pet parents might consider their dog over their partner. If you want more stats, feel free to check the complete study here.

Unconditional Love

There is no unconditional love between people. No matter how much we say we love someone unconditionally, that might be only possible between a mother and a child. We can always find some “things we would correct” in our partner. We just chose to look the other way around.

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Dogs, on the other hand, are different. They will not leave you. They will always shower you with love. Even if you binge-watch an entire show with them, they will not leave your side. They will love you even when you are mad at them.

They Do Not Judge

My dog doesn’t care if I haven’t showered for days. He still loves me. He doesn’t care if I wear mismatched socks. Or if I am wearing some old clothes.

No matter what I wear or what I do, my dog will love me. Try going out with an outfit your wife doesn’t like. And see if you can make it out of the door.

They are Loyal to the Bone

Do you think your dog will ever say, “Hey, that dog owner gives better treats, I should get him as my dad”? Probably, but they will not leave you for someone younger, better-looking, better-dressed, wealthier, or anything in between. Dogs stay by your side as long as you would have them. Once they become your best friend, they are yours forever.

There is no awkward conversation like “Where is this going”.

There Are No “We Need to Talk” Moments

Communication is as simple as it can be. Food equals love. There are no cryptic texts. There are no deep discussions about feelings.

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Just imagine how simple that world is.

They Are Always Happy to See You

We all have our bad days, right? There are days we just do not want to see anyone or talk to anyone. Well, dogs do not have those bad days. Whether you are gone for five minutes, five hours, or five days, your dog will happily greet you. They always think you are the best thing that has happened to them.

No more mood swings, right?

They Do Not Want the Remote

Watching games the whole day? Or watching some girly shows without anyone bitching about it. How wonderful that is! Your dog is fine with whatever you want to watch on TV. He will not fight for the remote or have an endless debate about what to watch next.

Guaranteed Entertainment

From zoomies to some chewing incidents, your dog will provide endless amusement and keep your life interesting. To be fair, a wife can find some new things to make you go crazy daily, right? But it is not as fun as having your dog around.

Always Ready For an Adventure

Road trip? Backyard camping? Hiking? Swimming? Your dog is up for anything you want. As long as they are by your side, they want to be part of the fun. Just check YouTube and you will find some amazing adventures between dogs and their owners.

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From jumping off cliffs, riding on motorcycles, diving, or anything in between.

They Don’t Steal the Covers

A dog will never leave you shivering without a blanket in the middle of the night. In fact, they might add some extra warmth. You will never be cold with a dog around.

They Do Not Judge Your Cooking

If you get a Golden Retriever, that boy will eat anything. Even the biggest cooking flop, they will swallow it with joy.

Drop anything on the floor, and your dog will probably “clean it”. No questions asked!

Free Stress Relief

Dogs are experts for stress relief. Many studies show that petting a dog lowers blood pressure and boosts your happiness hormone. You do not need a therapist, you have a dog!

the truth about dog people infographic

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