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Owning a Pet is Beneficial for You! And We Have the Proof!

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According to a study by Dog Trust, 96% of pet parents say that owning a dog is good for their mental health, and 89% said their pup provides emotional support.

Pet parents have been raving for years that owning a dog is the best thing that has happened to them. Here are some key statistics from the survey:

  • 89% people said that owning a dog makes them more active
  • 58% said owning a dog reduces their social isolation
  • According to 96% of survey participants, owning a dog is good for their mental health
  • Almost everyone, 98% said that their dog makes them feel happy

After looking at the results, I wanted to share some personal experience of why having a dog in my life has been so meaningful.

Mood Lifter

I cannot tell you how many times I have felt down, and Milo has been around to lift me up. He has been with me through thick and thin. He was around when I ended relationships, and when I asked my wife to marry me. His presence has always lifted me and made even the toughest day better.

With Milo around, I have never felt alone. Even in silence, I hear his breathing and it calms me down. Knowing that there is someone around helps.

Free Therapy

Speaking of emotional support, dogs have an amazing ability to sense when we feel down. I know plenty of people have gotten pets as part of their journey to getting back on track. Some of them got a dog to go through a tough divorce. Or after losing someone close.

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In any case, you do not have to pay for therapy when you have a dog. He will listen to you and watch directly in your eyes like he is trying to tell you, “I understand”.

Makes you more active

I loved exploring nature even before I got Milo. I love walking. But walking on your own is not as fun. With a dog, things get that much more interesting. When I go for a walk with Milo, I leave everything behind. Sometimes, I do not even bring a cell phone. I want to be completely focused on our time together and having fun.

And some days, when I do not feel like going out, Milo is there to drag me out of the apartment. You have to take him out for potty. Nowadays, I get at least 10,000 steps easily.

Learn responsibility

Owning a dog means you have to take care of him. You are responsible for a living being. You cannot skip a meal, a walk, and everything in between. You have to take him to the vet. It teaches you how to be responsible.

Yes, it is stressful at times. You might feel like you do not want to do a thing. But you have to be the responsible parent.

Appreciation for the pet industry

Owning a dog helped me understand the nitty-gritty of the pet industry. I now have a deeper appreciation for the pet industry, animal health industry, and veterinary industry. I’ve met people from non-profit organizations taking care of animals.

And I have a deeper understanding of how important animals are to our planet.

Meeting new people

Even on the coldest day, you will find someone else walking his dog outside. In those chilly, winter nights, when you ask yourself, “Why am I doing this”, you’ll find another soul doing the same. You can always find someone to talk with a dog.

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It is easier to start a conversation. You do not need an ice-breaker. Dogs do that. I’ve made so many new friends thanks to walking Milo.

Learn unconditional love

I am a romantic, and I always believed humans are capable of unconditional love. Now, I know better. Yes, sometimes, we are able to love unconditionally. But only after living with a dog.

Milo has taught me what unconditional love truly is. He loves no matter what. When I am sad, when I am happy, when I am down, when I play with him, when I leave him alone at home, no matter what, Milo loves me.

Made My Life Complete

When I got Milo, I never knew I needed him to feel complete. And now, thanks to him and my wife, life seems perfect. Both me and my wife love going for walks with Milo. In the beginning, Milo and my wife didn’t have a great relationship.

But we worked on it, and now he is happy around her. Sometimes, I feel he loves her more than me. But hey, I am cannot be jealous of a little dog, right?

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