No matter how much we pay attention to our dogs, we cannot watch them 24×7. There are always risks of your dog swallowing something when you are not watching them. For example, during a walk or a hike. They sniff around and might find something they should not be eating.
Well, today, I want to talk about what you should do if your dog swallows something sharp. Of course, I believe the first course of action is to train your dog not to get anything from the ground. But hey, even the best-behaved dog is not 100% proof.
Why You Shouldn’t Induce Vomiting
If your dog swallows something bad, usually, a vet might recommend induced vomiting. Yet, for sharp objects, like a bone or a plastic toy, never try it. This might surprise you, but doing nothing is better than trying to cause induce vomiting.
Bones and sharp objects can damage the esophagus on the way out. They can cause perforations or obstruction, and very often this can happen with induced vomiting.
Dogs have a very acidic stomach and can digest bones. Yet, if they swallow something sharp like plastic, it is best to observe them for the next 48 hours. I do have a hack you can use, but more on that later.
What Are Signs of Choking Hazards?
When I talk about something sharp, I think of things like bones, chews, food wrap, string, rawhide chews, and anything else that can obstruct your dog’s airway. In most cases, your dog will be able to flush it out. There are, however, signs of choking hazards you should pay attention to. Those are:
- Pawing at the mouth
- Gagging or choking
- Distressed behavior
- Struggling to whine
- Retching
How to Help Your Dog
Because you shouldn’t induce vomiting, the idea is that your dog should pass it out naturally. In other words, poop it out. What can you do to help your puppy? Here is a helpful hack you can try.
Start feeding your dog bread, lots and lots of it. You can cover the bread in olive oil, which will help even more. The idea is to ensure that the sharp object would get packed up inside the bread and be able to pass through your dog’s system safely.
Monitor your dog’s behavior to see if he/she is eating and drinking properly. Make sure your dog is not in visible discomfort or pain.
After 24 hours, the sharp object should pass through your dog’s poop. It is not a good picture when you see it, but hey, your dog will be safe and secure.
Of course, if you notice anything wrong during the 24 hours, take your dog to the vet for check-up.
Final Thoughts
Even if your dog swallows something bad that you should induce vomiting for, never do it yourself. Always speak with a veterinarian before you try something. Many chemicals and compounds can be more dangerous if vomited.
I hope you are never put in a situation to panic about your dog swallowing something sharp. But you can never know. It is better to be prepared than to panic if lighting strikes, right?