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Dog Biting Its Leg – Why Does Your Dog Bites Itself?

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If you spend enough time with your puppy, you will notice all sorts of strange behavior issues. For example, your dog might bite its tail. Or chew on its leg. Both might look strange to you, but there is a perfectly good explanation for dog-biting leg behavior.

Do you want to know more? Do you want to know the root of the foot chewing problem? Well, we will try to provide the answers to your questions.

What Does It Mean When Your Dog Dites Itself?

If you want to understand the biting behavior, you need to look for the root of the problem. Dog biting is common. Pay attention to your puppy to find clues for the underlying reason for the behavior.

We will go over these reasons in-depth, but most of the time, your dog is biting its leg because of itchy skin, allergic reaction, dryness, flea bites, or as a self-soothing mechanism.

What do these reasons mean? Well, read on to find out more.

Main Reasons Your Dog Chews On Its Leg

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Your Dog Has An Allergy

Dog biting leg is often associated with allergy, be it a food allergy or skin allergy. Your dog is having an allergic reaction.

Besides food and skin allergy, your dog might have a reaction to insect bites, topical exposure to chemical irritants, or anything else.

Observe the area for dog bites. If it is an allergic reaction, you will notice red bumps and bare spots.

Skin Infection

Speaking of skin problems, skin infection is another one. Yes, infections can develop on the leg, and your dog might have an open bite wound that resulted in a skin infection.

These infections can be discomforting and painful for your puppy. And in your dog’s mind, the only way to get rid of the pain and discomfort is to bite and chew on the area.

Self-soothing Mechanism

If your dog is in pain, specifically orthopedic main, it may resort to repeated dog biting leg behavior or licking. This is your canine’s way of getting relief.

And in most cases, the area they target is not the area that is painful. That means your dog might bite its leg, but the pain and discomfort are in another area. For example, pain in the joints. Biting, chewing, and excessive licking are just ways to cope with a chronic condition in the bones or joints.

If your dog is suffering from arthritis or hip dysplasia, your veterinary specialist will recommend avoiding foods that cause inflammation. And your dog will be put on an anti-inflammatory diet with foods like carrots, celery, spinach, sweet potatoes, and so on.

Anxiety And Dementia

There are many problems that cause biting behavior that is not physical. Your dog might be in a constant state of distress and despair. And when your dog is aging, it might develop repetitive patterns such as licking and biting.

Dementia and anxiety are two issues that target older dogs.


There is another psychological reason that might cause your dog to resort to foot chewing. Remember, dogs are pack animals. They need constant attention, mental stimulation, exercise, and companionship. And when your dog is alone for long periods, he might become lonely and bored.

Chewing and biting on its leg are ways to find entertainment. They provide mental challenges. You can prevent this by providing socialization, training, exercise, and mental stimulation for your canine companion.

How To Stop Your Dog From Chewing On Its Leg?

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First and foremost, make sure there are no underlying health issues. You should schedule a visit to the vet and give your dog the proper medical attention.

Without care and treatment, the biting of the leg might become an even bigger problem. You can never know if the biting is the result of flea bites, insect bites, dog bite injuries, or a bite wound.

Once you determine that there is no health issue for your dog to bite its leg, then you provide exercise and mental stimulation. But first, get medical attention.

Then, all that is left is to provide enough entertainment and enrichment to your puppy.

Make sure your pet has plenty of playtime and toys to engage with.

What You Shouldn’t Do?

You should be careful when taking care of this health issue and behavior problem. You should never resort to yelling at your dog for biting. Instead, try to discourage your canine from scratching the irritated area by diverting his attention to something better.

Play games or cuddle. Remember, your dog is not biting his leg because he wants to. Patience is the key to helping your puppy and preventing a more serious problem.

How To Tell If Your Dog Is A Chronic Chewer?

Simple, watch your dog. Pay attention to his behavior. Pay attention to some patterns. Biting, chewing, scratching, and licking are normal behaviors. But if your dog is spending an abnormally high amount of time doing it, take a closer look.

Examine and inspect the area that your puppy is chewing. Yes, there might be some signs there. But as we said before, your dog might soothe himself by biting, and the problem is not in that area.

Always consult with a veterinarian.

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