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How Long Do Great Danes Live? Can You Extend The Life Of The Gentle Giant?


The Great Dane is a large dog breed originating from Germany. Descending from hunting dogs from the Middle Ages, he was used for hunting wild boar and deer. At one point, this gentle giant served as the guardian of German nobility. How long do Great Danes live? Now that is a question many owners ask. […]

What Were Great Danes Bred For? Understanding Your Dog’s Purpose

what were great danes bred for

The Great Dane is a large size dog breed originating from Germany. They descend from hunting dogs from the Middle Ages that were used to hunt wild boar and deer. But what were Great Danes bred for? As one of the two largest dogs in the world, along with the Irish Wolfhound, the dog had […]

How Tall Do Great Danes Get? The Record Holders In Canine Height!

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When we say giant dog breeds, we think of dogs that weigh 100 pounds or more when fully grown. These are some of the tallest dogs in the canine world. At the same time, they are some of the most loving. The Great Dane, for example, has definitely earned the nickname of a gentle giant. […]

Chihuahua Great Dane Mix – Is It Possible?

great dane chichuahua

In the past several years, designer dog breeds have been increasingly popular. But it begs the question, are they all possible or ethical? Today, we will talk about a designer dog breed that is within the realm of possibility, but certainly not in the ethical part. That is the Chihuahua Great Dane mix. Can you […]

Great Dane vs Doberman – What Should You Choose?

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I’ve been lucky enough to share my life with a wide range of dogs – from pocket-sized pups to gentle giants. But two breeds always seem to spark debate: the Great Dane and the Doberman Pinscher. Both impressive in their own right, they’re about as different as dogs can get! Let’s break down what makes […]

Irish Wolfhound vs Great Dane – Giant Dog Breeds Comparison

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Picture this: two towering dogs side-by-side, both magnificent, yet distinctly different. As a seasoned dog enthusiast, I’ve always been fascinated by the contrast between the gentle giant Great Dane and the noble Irish Wolfhound. They’re true titans of the canine world, but each brings its own charm and challenges. If you’re drawn to the idea […]

11 Things You Didn’t Know About Great Dane

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Great Dane casts a shadow over most dogs, literally and figuratively. Great Danes are amazing dogs, and they certainly make a great companion pet. Did you know they are not actually Danish? Do you know that dogs that resemble Great Danes appear in ancient Egyptian carvings? And that the modern Great Dane dog was bred […]

Great Dane Pitbull Mix – Gentle Giant with Friendly Personality

Great Dane Pitbull Mix

Think of the Great Dane, and you think of a giant breed. Even according to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Great Dane is the largest dog breed ever. Mix it with a Pitbull, and you get a new term for “gentle giant”. Same as the Great Dane, the Pitbull is a largely misunderstood […]